As most of you know my daughter, D, is biracial, mixed with Caucasian and African American. Like her ethnicity, her hair was never an "issue" per se. When she was a baby, we used baby shampoo. As she got older I used the hair products I used for myself on her, after a while I realized they weren't for her. Upon (bad) advice I started using "hair grease". I began searching the realized I had been using all the wrong things! Through trial and error we developed a hair care routine with products that are beneficial to her hair. Our routine and products are ever changing as I continue to learn about proper care for her curls and find new all-natural products. We love her hair, the journey we're on to properly care for it and all the other "hair moms" and kids we've met through it. We love to share styles, information and tips, this why I created this blog. Having said all this I would like to add that D is D regardless of her hair and skin. She likes who/what she likes, period. I don't push race upon her. She knows why she is "brown", as she says. I educated her on the topic and answer any questions that arise. She is taught about all different races and cultures, we don't limit the subject to just white and black. We do this blog and she does love her hair but I also teach her that hair and skin color isn't everything. Of course, I tell her she is beautiful and encourage high self esteem, but I put much more emphasis on good behavior, promoting overall health (not just healthy hair) and the importance of education. As adults and parents we (should) know the importance of these three things and convey them to our children. So they all can learn to love themselves and appreciate every aspect of who they are.
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