Warung Bebas

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

“Box” Braids Takedown

As promised here is my post on D's box braids takedown. I had mentioned that near the end of the 2 1/2 weeks of her protective style, D had gone to her grandmas for a couple days and did lots of swimming, apparently with that swimming did some massive unraveling:


This literally happened in just two days! It looked kind off cool, but there was some major tangles! I washed her hair with the remaining braids still in, using Created by Nature Hair n Body Wash, conditioned with Bee Mine Avocado Cream Conditioner, leaving much of it in, I added some CUSH Uncoiled detangler and began finger combing/detangling. Surprisingly (to me), the tangles slid out with ease. It didn’t take long at all to detangle and get the rest of the braids out and I did most of it using my fingers, with a wide tooth comb or a rat tail comb occasionally.

Shiny, soft, moisturized, detangled hair after 2 1/2 weeks of little braids:



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